Apple Cinnamon Protein Muffins

MY BEAUTY MUFFINS!!!! Not only are the DELICIOUS. (I had 4 taste testers for 3 different recipes) but these also help promote a healthy gut, healthy skin and support overall joint health because of the secret ingredient…COLLAGEN PEPTIDES. I have been using collagen peptides for about 3 years mostly just in my coffee or the occasional smoothie. I didn’t start baking with it until this year when I ran out of protein powder and had a EUREKA moment.

I have a relatively sensitive stomach to protein powders as well. They cause me to bloat like a balloon at the Macy’s day parade, and leave me feeling sluggish and uncomfortable for the rest of the day. Collagen Peptides provide NO DISCOMFORT and I’m able to supplement a little extra protein into my diet. Also, If any of you have ever baked with whey or casein protein, you know the hockey puck texture that it creates as it bakes. These muffins texture couldn’t be further from that. They are spongey, moist, almost downright decadent…and made with delicious healthy ingredients.

Dry Ingredients:

1 cup quick oats

1 cup quick oats flour (just put it in the blender to grind)

8 scoops Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides unflavored

1/4 cup monk fruit sweetener (or sweetener of your choice)

2 tbsp cinnamon (I LOVE CINNAMON, use less if you are less enthusiastic)

1 tsp baking powder

Wet Ingredients:

1 cup unsweetened applesauce

1 egg

1/3 cup egg whites

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 apple diced (I leave the skin on, but you can peel it)

Makes 12 muffins


Set oven to 350 degrees F. Mix dry ingredients, then wet ingredients. Ladle mixture into a well greased cupcake tin, bake for 20-23 minutes (you can check if they’re done by spearing with a toothpick, if it come out clean, they’re done) Plate and ENJOY!

Vanessa Serio